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Search Results for Standard Magic Decks

Viewing 4451 - 4500 of 6172 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Esper Control Chris Ryan Idaho Standard Event - 10/5/13 2nd 10/9/2013
BWR Midrange Bryan Rich Idaho Standard Event - 10/5/13 1st 10/9/2013
UWR SBL 10/9/2013
Orzhov Aggro Jason Nielsen Hawaii Standard Event - 10/5/13 5th-8th 10/9/2013
BWR Midrange Stephen Pearson Hawaii Standard Event - 10/5/13 5th-8th 10/9/2013
Esper Control Franklin Mui Hawaii Standard Event - 10/5/13 5th-8th 10/9/2013
Azorius Control Jordan Robbins Hawaii Standard Event - 10/5/13 5th-8th 10/9/2013
Azorius Control Michael Mullen Hawaii Standard Event - 10/5/13 3rd-4th 10/9/2013
BWR Midrange Dale Marshall Hawaii Standard Event - 10/5/13 3rd-4th 10/9/2013
Red Deck Wins Ian O'Connor Hawaii Standard Event - 10/5/13 2nd 10/9/2013
Azorius Control Sean Pottenger Hawaii Standard Event - 10/5/13 1st 10/9/2013
Gruul Midrange Brian Kobel Arizona Standard Event - 10/5/13 5th-8th 10/9/2013
Junk Midrange Joseph Pinkley Arizona Standard Event - 10/5/13 5th-8th 10/9/2013
Red Deck Wins Kevin McCoy Arizona Standard Event - 10/5/13 5th-8th 10/9/2013
Selesnya Aggro Christopher Bilinski Arizona Standard Event - 10/5/13 5th-8th 10/9/2013
Red Deck Wins Quinn Higgins Arizona Standard Event - 10/5/13 3rd-4th 10/9/2013
BWR Midrange Josh Lospinoso Arizona Standard Event - 10/5/13 3rd-4th 10/9/2013
Azorius Control Ethan Curleyhair Arizona Standard Event - 10/5/13 2nd 10/9/2013
Azorius Control John Moore Arizona Standard Event - 10/5/13 1st 10/9/2013
BG to the rescue Cmathias 10/9/2013
Rakdos midrange Gram 10/9/2013
Orzhov Control Gram 10/9/2013
Big Boros Ryan Hipp 10/9/2013
Grixis Control 2.0 Ryan Hipp 10/9/2013
UB Aggro Ryan Hipp 10/9/2013
Nazi Midrange Gram 10/9/2013
Solar Flare v.1 Thanamar 10/9/2013
underfear´s GW Aggro underfear 10/9/2013
MBC Psyren 10/9/2013
Mono red Suicide CounterBalance 10/9/2013
Shadowborn Doki7518 10/9/2013
trample nilson 10/9/2013
BR midrangy cade34 10/9/2013
Reboot Spartanza 10/9/2013
B/W Humans V2 vantheman91 10/9/2013
Malek The Underrated GregCipollone 10/9/2013
greg grundy yakima Dmc1212 10/9/2013
Junk JNapp936 10/9/2013
sandbox Dmc1212 10/9/2013
Mono Black Control Damagecontrol8 10/9/2013
Jund Midrange Kilir 10/8/2013
d optimusdies 10/8/2013
Reanimator ? ernestocarmeli 10/8/2013
Naya Aggro srwilliams26 10/8/2013
Black Zath 10/8/2013
8184184 Kueson 10/8/2013
Devotion to White Sporter5 10/8/2013
Mono Black Devotion dkay182 10/8/2013
Esper Control joe the great 10/8/2013
Demon Jund Serrator122 10/8/2013

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