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Search Results for Magic Decks by Niv

Viewing 1 - 50 of 131 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
sliver commander budget danivilardell 8/7/2023
Sliver Commander deck danivilardell 8/7/2023
WUG Walls Nivlek__Sti 4/21/2023
Jhoira Omnivok 11/28/2021
building omnath Niv 10/18/2021
Firesong & Sunspeaker Omnivok 10/11/2021
Firesong & Sunspeaker 1 Omnivok 10/11/2021
Jeremy's Red Monster universal donor 6/13/2020
Revive Feather Bhunivelze 6/24/2019
Feather Mentor Bhunivelze 6/21/2019
Grixis Delver Abraham Donivan SCG Classic Legacy - Cinncinnati - 03/24/2019 5th-8th 3/25/2019
UW Control Karnivor09 11/20/2018
Mono black panharmonicon Miniviking 8/9/2018
Tasigur's Self Milk Nivlek__Sti 1/12/2018
Grixis Delver Donivan Abraham SCG Classic Legacy - Louisville - 5/21/17 5th-8th 5/23/2017
Temur Marvel Vashknivestndh MTGO Competitive Standard League: 5/8-5/14 5/14/2017
Extort (Suck it!) NivekTG 5/1/2017
Mardu Vehicles Donivan Abraham SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 01/22/17 17th-32nd 1/24/2017
Grand Architect Donnivan 5/9/2015
Threeve Donnivan 4/27/2015
Blue Machine Donnivan 4/14/2015
Jeskai Tempo Donivan Abraham 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 2/1 9th-16th 2/2/2015
Give and Take Donnivan 11/19/2014
Jeskai Ascendancy Combo snively220 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 10/6/14 11/4/2014
Villainous Devotion Donnivan 10/25/2014
Takin' Turns Donnivan 10/20/2014
Sultai Walkers Donnivan 10/19/2014
UR Delver Donivan Abraham 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 6/15 9th-16th 6/18/2014
Pauper mono U Delver niveus 5/21/2014
Manaless Dredge Donnivan 3/27/2014
GW Enchantments nivlek_sti 12/5/2013
Boros Control_Comment nivlek_sti 12/5/2013
Boros Control nivlek_sti 11/25/2013
Hydras xknivesx 10/9/2013
Cant Touch This xknivesx 9/24/2013
Land xknivesx 9/24/2013
BUG Control nivlek_sti 7/6/2013
UWR Flash nivlek_sti 7/6/2013
Human 2 Knivesro 4/14/2013
Human Knivesro 4/14/2013
Burnin Vermin theomniverse 2/28/2013
Turbo Visionary Magnivore 2/13/2013
Lambholt Knivesro 1/18/2013
Tokens Knivesro 1/18/2013
American Midrange nivmiz (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/24/12 12/30/2012
American Midrange nivmiz (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/17/12 12/30/2012
Gold Digger Magnivore 12/19/2012
Naya Pod Magnivore 12/15/2012
Jund Midrange Xanivius 10/8/2012
Reid Duke's Bant Control Xanivius 10/4/2012

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