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Search Results for Magic Decks by Ev

Viewing 6951 - 7000 of 7321 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
White Red Control never drafted 2/23/2006
Wizards - Draw & Burn never drafted 2/23/2006
BGu Leyline Aggro 2 evilempire 2/14/2006
NeoWildfire Eugene Levin 2/7/2006
Wildfire Eugene Levin 2/7/2006
Pact Rock whatever1254 2/6/2006
bdw weevil 2/6/2006
oath weevil 2/2/2006
fungal fire weevil 1/30/2006
bg type 2 weevil 1/30/2006
B/W control steve_GRIZZ 1/30/2006
wwb weevil 1/25/2006
Wizard - Draw 'n' Burn never drafted 1/25/2006
Serow GO sevenbee 12/28/2005
Goblins on acid whatever1254 12/8/2005
Psychatog Steven Sadin 12/1/2005
G/W Beats steve_GRIZZ 12/1/2005
B/G Rock: final version whatever1254 11/30/2005
Terrastruct ravedevil3 11/24/2005
Warp Screw sevenbee 11/22/2005
Gifts evilempire 11/20/2005
2005 PTQ Honolulu - 5th Place Devin Manuel 2005 PTQ Honolulu Baton Rouge, Louisiana 5th-8th 11/19/2005
Token Lockdown v3.0 sevenbee 11/18/2005
Horobi's Power never drafted 11/16/2005
GW - Legends Control never drafted 11/14/2005
Erayo Affinity Steven Birklid 2005 PTQ Honolulu Anchorage, Alaska 1st 11/12/2005
Heartbeat Desire Ryan Devine 2005 PTQ Honolulu Mountain View, California 5th-8th 11/12/2005
Affinity Trevor Carr 2005 PTQ Honolulu Flagstaff, Arizona 5th-8th 11/12/2005
B/G Rock 3.0 Devil Beard 11/7/2005
2005 Champs - 7th Place Tom Sieverding 2005 Champs Wisconsin 5th-8th 11/7/2005
Affinity Kevin Parker 2005 PTQ Honolulu Los Angeles Area, California 5th-8th 11/5/2005
Tog Madness Kevin Moos 2005 PTQ Honolulu Winnipeg, Manitoba 2nd 11/5/2005
Deck out V-1.1 never drafted 11/2/2005
GWR Aggro World evilempire 11/2/2005
Golden Grahams Evan Weingarten 11/1/2005
Sabbath Evan Weingarten 11/1/2005
Salvagers Combo Evan Weingarten 11/1/2005
Rock v 2.0 whatever1254 10/30/2005
2005 PT LA - Murray Evans Murray Evans 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
Heartbeat Eugene Levin 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
2005 PT LA - Georgi Benev Georgi Benev 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
2005 PT LA - Raphael Levy Raphael Levy 2005 PT Los Angeles 9th-16th 10/29/2005
2005 PT LA - Neil Reeves Neil Reeves 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
2005 PT LA - Robert van Medevoort Robert van Medevoort 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
2005 PT LA - Steven Wolfman Steven Wolfman 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
2005 PT LA - Roy Oever Roy Oever 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
Tings Kevin Desprez 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
Goblins Artem Duskevich 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
GMM.dec Steven Tan 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
Wr splash weenie TasteTheVenom 10/27/2005

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