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Search Results for Magic Decks by L

Viewing 7801 - 7850 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Gruul Aggro Robert Taylor 7/14/2020
The Church of Athreos jolt539 7/14/2020
yuriko ninjas Electriccrabz 7/14/2020
scorpion god Electriccrabz 7/14/2020
VFL Steven Marshall 98 7/14/2020
Modern: Red Punisher Prison FluffyWolf 7/14/2020
Neyith of the Dire Hunt cEDH Casually Competitive 7/14/2020
Modern: Heart of the Flames Prison FluffyWolf 7/13/2020
legacy mono blue astrolabe BoomBoomStormCloud 7/13/2020
Temur Reclamation Rafael Pulfer SCG Championship Qualifier 3 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Bant Ramp Gabriel Nicholas SCG Championship Qualifier 3 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Rakdos Sacrifice Florian Klein SCG Championship Qualifier 3 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Sultai Ramp Christopher Iaali SCG Championship Qualifier 3 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Temur Reclamation Alex Mitas SCG Championship Qualifier 3 3rd-4th 7/13/2020
Temur Reclamation Nicolas King SCG Championship Qualifier 3 2nd 7/13/2020
Rakdos Sacrifice Eric Ausseil Red Bull Untapped International Qualifier II 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Temur Delver Manuel_Danninger MTGO Legacy Showcase Challenge - 07/12/2020 1st 7/13/2020
Four-Color Reclamation Christian Calcano Red Bull Untapped International Qualifier II 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Mono-Green Aggro Hamilton Santos Red Bull Untapped International Qualifier II 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Temur Reclamation Victor Cardarelli Red Bull Untapped International Qualifier II 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Lotus Breach (Lurrus) TERMINALJUSTICE MTGO Pioneer Showcase Challenge - 07/12/2020 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Dimir Inverter Not__Close MTGO Pioneer Showcase Challenge - 07/12/2020 1st 7/13/2020
Boros Burn Lord_Beerus MTGO Modern Challenge - 07/12/2020 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Mono-Red Burn Polikasoll MTGO Modern Challenge - 07/12/2020 3rd-4th 7/13/2020
Gruul Midrange Larry11 MTGO Modern Challenge - 07/12/2020 3rd-4th 7/13/2020
Sultai Snow Lavaridge MTGO Modern Challenge - 07/12/2020 1st 7/13/2020
Mono-Green Aggro Phill_Hellmuth MTGO Standard Showcase Challenge - 07/11/2020 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Mono-Green Aggro PauloCabal_Br MTGO Standard Showcase Challenge - 07/11/2020 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Temur Reclamation Bielzito MTGO Standard Showcase Challenge - 07/11/2020 3rd-4th 7/13/2020
Bant Ramp SebastianStueckl MTGO Standard Showcase Challenge - 07/11/2020 2nd 7/13/2020
Esper Control (Yorion) Xwhale MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 07/11/2020 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Niv to Light CLAUDIOH MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 07/11/2020 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Mono-White Devotion qbturtle15 MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 07/11/2020 2nd 7/13/2020
Mono-Black Aggro bolov0 MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 07/11/2020 1st 7/13/2020
Izzet Prowess bsk_hercules MTGO Modern Showcase Challenge - 07/11/2020 5th-8th 7/13/2020
Jund Thrall90 MTGO Modern Showcase Challenge - 07/11/2020 3rd-4th 7/13/2020
Hatebears DaniMRebel MTGO Modern Showcase Challenge - 07/11/2020 3rd-4th 7/13/2020
Core 2021 Set Review Playing With Power MTG 7/13/2020
Zedruu The Bad Merchant Dizabelle 7/13/2020
The Dragon Family Tree Dizabelle 7/13/2020
Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons Dizabelle 7/13/2020
Self Mill Sidisi Dizabelle 7/12/2020
Dizabelle's Mono Black Dizabelle 7/12/2020
Superfriends Joecool2112 7/12/2020
All-Dragon Father Blaster Wolf-Drake 7/12/2020
Live Stream 7/11/20 - Anje Playing With Power MTG 7/12/2020
Live Stream 7/11/20 - Thrasios / Bruse Tarl Playing With Power MTG 7/12/2020
Live Stream 7/11/20 - Yuriko Playing With Power MTG 7/12/2020
Live Stream 7/11/20 - Muxus Playing With Power MTG 7/12/2020
Drawing of the Three Calahil 7/12/2020

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