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Search Results for Magic Decks by AP

Viewing 1501 - 1550 of 5372 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Dredge Dylan Papke SCG Open Modern - Milwaukee - 10/22/16 9th-16th 10/24/2016
Blue-Red Emerge Raphael Levy Pro Tour Kaladesh 17th-32nd 10/21/2016
Mono Green Arlinn Pineappl 10/20/2016
Bant Angels Pineappl 10/20/2016
Jin Gitaxias CaptainThrow 10/17/2016
Red-Green Energy laplazapedro MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 10/10-10/17 1st 10/15/2016
Abzan Odric Ramp Pineappl 10/10/2016
fisssssssssssssssssssssh CaptainThrow 10/10/2016
RURIC THAAAAAAAAAAAR CaptainThrow 10/10/2016
Titty EDH CaptainThrow 10/10/2016
Group Hug EDH CaptainThrow 10/4/2016
Legacy Eggs Ryan lappin 10/3/2016
Oops, All Spells! Reaprepeater38 10/1/2016
Madcap Experiment Raphael Levy 9/28/2016
Paradoxical Ascendancy Raphael Levy 9/27/2016
BR Madness pedropauloap 9/26/2016
Bant Company Thiago Saporito 2016 World Championship - Standard 9th-16th 9/8/2016
Abzan Thiago Saporito 2016 World Championship - Modern 9th-16th 9/5/2016
Ad Nauseam Raphael Courbis 2016 Grand Prix Lille 8/31/2016
Jund Raphael Levy 2016 Grand Prix Lille 8/31/2016
Death's Shadow wrapter MTGO Modern MOCS: 8/13 9th-16th 8/18/2016
W/B Control Raphael Levy Pro Tour Eldritch Moon 8/6/2016
Naya Toolbox flankmecaptain 7/30/2016
Prerelease Deck #2 Raphael Levy 7/26/2016
Prerelease Deck #2 Raphael Levy 7/26/2016
Prerelease Deck #1 Raphael Levy 7/26/2016
Sultai Josue Zapata 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 7/23 7/25/2016
Plants JClapper91 7/24/2016
Intruder Alarm TellTaleReaper 7/23/2016
Mono-Red Burn Raphael Levy 7/20/2016
Abzan Raphael Levy 7/20/2016
Eldrazi contrap MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Abzan IdTapThat88 MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Triskaidekaphobia JClapper91 6/29/2016
Tin Fins Georgiy Kargapolov 2016 Grand Prix Prague 6/14/2016
W/G Tokens Raphael Levy 2016 Grand Prix Costa Rica 6/6/2016
Four-Color Company Caupolican Lopez Yapor 2016 Grand Prix Minneapolis 6/1/2016
W/G Tokens Theodoros Liapatis 2016 Grand Prix Manchester (GPT) 5/29/2016
W/G Tokens Raphael Levy 2016 Grand Prix Manchester 1st 5/29/2016
Affinity Ascendancy Raphael Levy 5/26/2016
Bant Eldrazi Thiago Saporito Modern Weekend - 2016 Grand Prix Los Angeles 5/22/2016
Grixis Control Patrick Chapin Modern Weekend - 2016 Grand Prix Los Angeles 5/21/2016
R/G Tron Kevin Serapiglia Modern Weekend - 2016 Grand Prix Charlotte (GPT) 5/21/2016
Quit Smoking szrap 5/19/2016
Dredgevine Apex Canadian 5/13/2016
Eldrazi Raphael Levy 5/12/2016
Eldrazi Ramp Raphael Levy 5/12/2016
Esper Ench Demonic Pact Pineapple 5/9/2016
Insolent Dredge Apex Canadian 5/7/2016
Affinity Tony Naples 2016 SCG Open Modern - Milwaukee - 4/16 5/2/2016

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