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Search Results for Magic Decks by AP

Viewing 3951 - 4000 of 5371 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Steel Anvil capntrav 6/26/2011
Black Aggro (comment pls) apkerm 6/25/2011
Naya-Vine Shadow_Seraph 6/25/2011
Puresteel Knights Shadow_Seraph 6/21/2011
Blue Cube Acquistapace 6/21/2011
Teysa EDH xreap3rx 6/21/2011
Controlling creatures edh itsandycapp 6/19/2011
Midrange Grixis Infect apkerm 6/17/2011
Karador EDH Shadow_Seraph 6/16/2011
Gobgob haproon 6/15/2011
Elves Raphael Levy 2011 GP Singapore 9th-16th 6/14/2011
8.5 tails TeamSexAppeal 6/13/2011
Glissa, Agent of Tezzeret scrappile 6/13/2011
near death shinanigans itsandycapp 6/12/2011
green red infect itsandycapp 6/12/2011
WUR Commander Value Ice Rapture 6/10/2011
RBW Commander Value Ice Rapture 6/10/2011
BUG Commander Value Ice Rapture 6/10/2011
BGW Commander Value Ice Rapture 6/10/2011
RUG Commander Value Check Ice Rapture 6/10/2011
Red Deck Wins Antonio Caputo 2011 Italian National Qualifier - Friuli (6/5) 5th-8th 6/10/2011
A really bad idea! apkerm 6/10/2011
Slaghammer haproon 6/10/2011
Caw-Blade Phillip Napoli 2011 PTQ Philadelphia - Philadelphia, PA - 6/4 5th-8th 6/9/2011
Westley Snipes haproon 6/9/2011
No, I Don't Think So. haproon 6/9/2011
White Might Scraparoo 6/8/2011
Show and Tell (Future) Japajew 6/8/2011
Splinter Twin BobbySapphire (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6-6-11 6/8/2011
BR Infect MoeRapples 6/8/2011
Teneb 2a itsandycapp 6/6/2011
U/G infect aggro itsandycapp 6/4/2011
EDH Deck 1 itsandycapp 6/4/2011
UB Sygg - Updated davikap 6/4/2011
Dredge haproon 6/3/2011
The Aeons Torn- Colorless haproon 6/3/2011
Mono Black Infect Taporin 6/2/2011
UB Tezzeret - Scars Block davikap 6/2/2011
Sygg, River Cutthroat davikap 6/1/2011
Melira Combo SapaWanmdi 6/1/2011
Black/Red Sac Japajew 5/31/2011
Azami edh TeamSexAppeal 5/31/2011
Quest LC Graphix 5/31/2011
Tight Goblins v2.0 apkerm 5/30/2011
Mono Green Infect apkerm 5/29/2011
Crux of the Matter slapshot579 5/29/2011
Erryday I'm Shufflin slapshot579 5/29/2011
azami TeamSexAppeal 5/29/2011
Metal Deck Orngaph 5/29/2011
Rats TeamSexAppeal 5/27/2011

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