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Search Results for Magic Decks by Azar

Viewing 1 - 50 of 208 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Colorless Eldrazi Azar 1/14/2020
2 elf deck price check Darth Balthazar 4/22/2019
Turn 3 win deck price check Darth Balthazar 4/22/2019
Infect 2 turn win price check Darth Balthazar 4/22/2019
Elf modern price check Darth Balthazar 4/22/2019
Mirrored Gates Darth Balthazar 4/13/2019
TYS Cazaron 2/11/2019
Tom Monoblack Cazaron 1/3/2019
EDH Hydras Cazaron 1/2/2019
Izzet Phoenix Emm Lazarte 11/26/2018
Izzet Phoenix Emm Lazarte 11/19/2018
Grixis Energy azarael01 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 07/14/18 7/17/2018
Grixis Delver azarael01 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/1-1/7 1/8/2018
Grixis Delver azarael01 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 12/25-12/31 1/1/2018
BW Angels NazarioBr 1/16/2017
Esper Planeswalker NazarioBr 1/16/2017
W/U Flash Felipe Trazar 2016 Grand Prix Santiago 17th-32nd 10/31/2016
Nahiri Boom lnazario 7/21/2016
WB CONTROL lnazario 5/13/2016
JUND MIDRANGE lnazario 5/10/2016
Burn DarkHazard70 MTGO Modern League (5-0): 4/18-4/24 4/25/2016
BR DELIRIUM lnazario 4/14/2016
R/G Aggro DarkHazard70 (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/11/16 1/28/2016
MARDU lnazario 1/24/2016
MARDU GREEN lnazario 1/22/2016
Abzila lnazario 10/23/2015
Abzanzan lnazario 9/30/2015
Living Twin lnazario 8/21/2015
ABZAN MORPH lnazario 8/20/2015
MONO BLACK DEVOTION lnazario 7/13/2015
GW Midrange Shazare02 11/19/2014
Esper Control lnazario 10/10/2014
MonoRed lnazario 9/30/2014
Jund Planes lnazario 7/17/2014
Junk Aristocrats lnazario 4/28/2014
BW Aristocratas lnazario 4/28/2014
NEW MONSTER lnazario 2/2/2014
BG Kill Em All lnazario 2/2/2014
Theros Pyromaster Zenthazar 12/8/2013
Golgari Midrange RazarX3 12/7/2013
Rakdos Control lnazario 12/5/2013
Esper Control Alex Salazar MaxPoint Silver - Pandemonium - 11/30/13 5th-8th 12/2/2013
Bant Turbo-FOG lnazario 11/24/2013
Jund Nazar Sotiriadi 2013 Grand Prix Antwerp - 10/26 3rd-4th 10/28/2013
BG-NEW lnazario 10/13/2013
FestaNoApê lnazario 10/6/2013
Junk Gamechanger Balthalthazar 9/13/2013
4c Superfriends Zenthazar 7/28/2013
SelesnyaForce lnazario 7/22/2013
Aristotários lnazario 7/21/2013

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