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Search Results for Magic Decks by kurtataylor

Viewing 1 - 50 of 66 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
BG deathtouch kurtataylor 12/22/2014
UR aggro price check kurtataylor 12/12/2014
4 powa kurtataylor 12/5/2014
RW token tokens kurtataylor 10/28/2014
BW counter warriors kurtataylor 10/24/2014
human warriors kurtataylor 10/24/2014
alt conley kurtataylor 10/22/2014
BW warriors kurtataylor 10/21/2014
walls2 kurtataylor 10/19/2014
5 color stuff kurtataylor 10/14/2014
GW counters kurtataylor 10/11/2014
sfds kurtataylor 9/26/2014
UW birds of urd kurtataylor 8/14/2014
UR elementals kurtataylor 8/11/2014
test kurtataylor 7/18/2014
Rambler is Generator Ser kurtataylor 7/1/2014
UR 1cc kurtataylor 5/28/2014
UW 1cc kurtataylor 5/27/2014
BRW one drops kurtataylor 5/26/2014
BR constelation kurtataylor 5/26/2014
UG hydra ramp kurtataylor 5/19/2014
GR hastey bounty kurtataylor 5/15/2014
primal ramp kurtataylor 5/13/2014
green enchanted bounty kurtataylor 5/8/2014
server the servants test kurtataylor 5/7/2014
UR counterburn kurtataylor 5/5/2014
gw lifegain kurtataylor 5/4/2014
GW aggro kurtataylor 4/3/2014
unexpectedunexpected kurtataylor 3/28/2014
UGh flyers kurtataylor 3/27/2014
RG beastly kurtataylor 3/26/2014
brakdos kurtataylor 3/25/2014
BW 3CC kurtataylor 3/25/2014
golgari get back up kurtataylor 3/24/2014
rg 5/5s kurtataylor 3/16/2014
UG aggro kurtataylor 3/13/2014
RG thetouch kurtataylor 3/5/2014
white temple kurtataylor 2/12/2014
CrazyGates kurtataylor 1/23/2014
cheap gruul kurtataylor 1/17/2014
DOOOOMMM couter proposal kurtataylor 1/2/2014
beats RG beats kurtataylor 1/1/2014
izzet dragons kurtataylor 1/1/2014
grixis dragons kurtataylor 12/31/2013
Boroswins kurtataylor 10/2/2013
Ashiok aggro kurtataylor 9/29/2013
RW gods must be crazy kurtataylor 9/24/2013
BG Varolz aggro kurtataylor 8/10/2013
UR 2cc kurtataylor 8/10/2013
UR dragons kurtataylor 8/10/2013

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