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Search Results for Magic Decks by spu

Viewing 1 - 50 of 67 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
RDW spunky2 8/27/2024
RDW spunky2 8/27/2024
RDW spunky2 8/27/2024
RDW spunky2 8/27/2024
Jund Shamans spunky2 8/14/2023
Oloro Ageless Ascetic Spumanti1985 1/30/2020
Thraximundar $20 Budget Spumanti1985 4/16/2019
Phenax Mill Spumanti1985 4/4/2019
Talrand Budget Spumanti1985 4/3/2019
Kozilek $20 budget commander Spumanti1985 4/3/2019
Saheeli, the Gifted BUDGET Spumanti1985 4/1/2019
Zacama Budget EDH Spumanti1985 4/1/2019
U/R Delver Brian Spurlock SCG Classic Legacy - Cinncinnati - 03/24/2019 2nd 3/25/2019
Sneak & Show Spudface MTGO Legacy Challenge: 11/26/2018 17th-32nd 12/4/2018
Painter Combo Spud911 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 10/13/2018 10/15/2018
possible cards Spumanti1985 9/20/2018
Temur Tron Spud911 MTGO Pauper Challenge - 07/02/18 9th-16th 7/4/2018
Abzan Company Scott Spurlock SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 7/23/17 9th-16th 7/24/2017
Soraya budget Spumanti1985 5/23/2017
Erebos LHSpud22 5/23/2017
Erebos LHSpud22 5/23/2017
Jeleva LHSpud22 5/15/2017
Merfolk LHSpud22 5/9/2017
Delver of Grixis budget LHSpud22 4/22/2017
Dralnu LHSpud22 4/3/2017
Dralnu LHSpud22 4/3/2017
Dralnu LHSpud22 4/3/2017
Merfolk Brian Spurlock SCG Open Modern - Indianapolis - 2/26/17 17th-32nd 2/27/2017
Islands are Forever virtualspud 10/30/2016
Melira Pod chaospunx (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/21/14 5/7/2014
Painted Stone Brian Spurlock 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Cincinnati - 5/4 9th-16th 5/5/2014
Melira Pod chaospunx MTGO Modern Premier - 6865626 - 3/16/14 5th-8th 3/24/2014
Tronpricecheck lunispunis 1/23/2014
golgari Spumanti 9/4/2013
mono red edh Spumanti 4/13/2013
Bant Aggro spurds 2/17/2013
Gain all the Life spurds 1/10/2013
EsperControl lunispunis 8/2/2012
U/B Torpor Phage lunispunis 8/1/2012
edh Spumanti 3/26/2012
RG aggro proliferate adspurs10 2/24/2012
RUG Aggro ChaosPudding (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 1/30/12 2/2/2012
Venser Control spurds 12/14/2011
BoaB deck adspurs10 12/8/2011
U/W venser adspurs10 12/4/2011
BR Heartless Summoning lilianaspuppet 10/2/2011
GW aggro spurds 8/7/2011
GW Tokens adspurs10 6/22/2011
Maybe spurds 6/6/2011
venser pro leveler adspurs10 6/5/2011

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