disclaimer: not sure if anyone has posted anything similar, so please understand im not trying to copy or take credit from anyone.
my friend and i were looking at some of the cards from innistrad tonight, and heartless summoning caught my eye. i am quite pleased with how it plays. so heres the basic rundown of the decks structure:
the accelerator: heartless summoning creatures cost 2 less to play, enough said.
the star: liliana of the veil solid creature control, hand control, and conveniently costs 3 mana.
the engine: bloodgift demon with heartless summoning, it costs 3 mana total to play. 1)the draw power and mana cost of a dark tutelage without the ridiculous amount of self hurt 2) 4 3 flying creature potentially on turn 3.... both at the cost of 1 life a turn. ill take that, and without lightning bolt in the format, 3 toughness isnt that big of a deal anymore. plus, it gives lilianas +1 ability some fuel (discard unneeded lands and such)
the force: grave titan inferno titan either can come down on turn 4. self explanatory how awesome that is.
techs: 1)urabrask 3 3 for 3 mana. my creatures have haste, and my opponents creatures come in tapped. with all the ways i can destroy a creature, one can see the synergy here. chandra, the firebrand mainly here for the -2 ability. copy a doom blade, go for the throat, dismember, brimstone volley, black suns zenith. peck a weak creature or the opponent. if it comes to it, the ultimate is awesome (but thats doubtful).
so how does it work? (all cases, unless otherwise mentioned, assume i have played heartless summoning turn 2. the cases do not take into account most of what an opponent might do, but rather what the deck can potentially accomplish)
the deck has 3 potential turn 3 drops: liliana, urabrask, and bloodgift demon
you might ask why urabrask the hidden:lets say i have a urabrask in my hand with access to 2 red mana(which is likely) and my opponent doesnt have a creature on the field. i drop him turn 3. i attack for 3 life, and any creature my opponent plays on his her turn enter tapped. i have a titan in my hand now. inferno titan: play it. deal 3 damage to opponent. it has haste from the urabrask. attack with both. opponents creature is tapped. urabrask does 3 combat, inferno titan does 5 combat plus 3 more. 5+3+3+3 = 14 damage turn 4. turn 3 + turn 4 = 14+3 = 17. the opponent is at 3 life after 4 turns. turn 5: brimstone volley or attack with the titan.grave titan: play it, get my zombie tokens. attack with everything: 3 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 10 life and two more zombie tokens. turn 3 + turn 4 = 3 + 10 = 13 life. opponent is at 7 life after 4 turns. next turn: go for the throat, doom blade, dismember, or even zenith. attack - game.
but what if i dont have a urabrask? turn 3 is either liliana or bloodgift demon.bloodgift demon: let the drawing begin, as well as potentially 4 damage in the air per turn depending on the situation. the draw power given by this scenario will get you what you want 99% of the timeliliana: turn 3 -2 ability to kill a creature. turn 4 +1 ability to remove a card. if she lives, +1 again next turn. by now you should have your big threats. rinse and repeat.
i dont have a heartless summoning. it happens. but thats ok, because in this case the deck becomes a traditional red black control deck. kill your opponents creatures, discard their hand with liliana. stall until you either get a heartless summoning or you have enough mana to hard cast.
when all goes wrong, look to chandra for a solution. brimstone volley is quite a powerful card in this deck. liliana or creature hate spell into a brimstone volley for 5 damage and a copy of said spell for another 5 damage. 10 life or 2 potential dismembers.
im not sure what to say about the devils play. its kind of a filler for a better card my friend and i cant think of, preferably a red spell, but a really good black spell is also an option, and is there to basically be discard bait for use later with its flashback, but i know thats a bad idea. if anyone has any ideas for what i should replace it with, please leave them in the comments. also, please feel free to mention anything else you see wrong with the build, and any offering of how to improve it would be greatly appreciated. ive found this to be a really fun deck with a lot of potential, and have yet to have any problem getting what i need in my tests.
one more thing to mention, ive noticed the deck is susceptible to dismember and creature hate in general, but mainly dismember. ive added spellskite to my maybeboard. if you think spellskite would be a good addition, please say so and suggest what to replace (im leaning towards the zenith and the devils play to put in 3 of them).
thanks everyone. i look forward to your input. btw just a rough draft of an idea i came up with so help is more than appreciated