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Serious Extended Deck

by bluemanamagic

Format: Freeform
Latest Set: Eternal
Last Modified On: 12/22/2009
Market Median Low
$390.80 $292.46
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 2.44


A Midrange Deck For Extended, it Takes advantage of some of the more Aggressive and Disrupting Cards in the format. After Thoughtseize On turn one, you can start to Out-tempo Your Opponent By playing Cards Like Bitterblossom Or tarmogoyf. Both of these Are Ideal Turn two plays because they allow you to keep Pressure on your Opponent without having to Spend mana on them every turn. Tarmogoyf Tends to keep back attacks or provides Pressure on offense. Bitterblossom Is perfect For this Deck because it Continually Makes threats Without making you have to tap mana on you turn. If the tokens Are Chump Blocking or Attacking you still have a constant Threat On the table. With Bitterblossom Or tarmogoyf Out, it makes it easier to disrupt your Opponent. You can go the obvious way and Destroy There Creatures to force the Agressive games and win a race. Or you can Punish your oppenent For missing there land drops by hitting them with a rain of tears. Its easy to say this deck has a legitimate Matchup against the most popular decks in the format, Tezzereator Zoo Scapeshift This deck Has much Potential and id like to see where it can go.

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