Slow but very powerful once rounds 6 and 7 hit (zombie apocalypse helps you go super wide). Usually a win once zombie apocalypse gets out. Focuses on removal for survival. Deadly allure helps you get your mill-upon-death creatures killed. The deck uses cheap 1CVC removal spells to compliment the higher creature costs to balance the mana curve and establish some control early game. Skinrender also has built in removal. Self-mill creatures combined with graveyard count boosts or delve creatures allow cheap heavy creatures to come out. Delve only non-creature cards as these do not affect cards such as unbreathing horde or grave strength. Switch out Malakir Familiar for Returned Reveler if you have to deal with some pesky flyers. Lastly, Mindwrack Demon and Ulcerate can reduce your health quite a bit. Sideboard: Graf Harvest can swing the game in your favor if opponents don't have a lot of defenses. Toxic Stench can be added for removal of regenerating creatures.