The first thing you might notice is that yavimaya dryad isnt an elf. not every creature in an elf deck HAS to be an elf. the dryad gives my opp a forest, then with elvish champion, the forest walking fun begins. pretty sick 2 card combo, if i do say so myself. and i DO say so myself. scarblade, maelstrom, and eyeblight take care of any creature that could posssibly give me trouble, with the scarblade making even dead draws useful, and its effect is reusable. the maelstrom not only destroys ANYTHING the opp can play, but if they've played multiples of it, then they're REALLY screwed. the other elves speak for themselves. prowess of the fair stacks, so if i have 2 out, and 1 of my elves die, i get 2 tokens. the rest of the spells either power up my elves like crazy for little cost, or give me an awesome draw engine. you can disregard the sidedeck, since i only put one cuz its required, but ur welcome to leave suggestions for one.