This deck won't get you anywhere in major tournament play, but it's still fun to play around with.
The trick is to get attrition and haunted crossroads out, at which point you can effectively kill all any nonblack creature that is in play comes into play, and then return any sacrificed creatures to your library.
Phyrexian ghoul is particularly effective in this deck, since you can sac creatures every now and then without too much fear of perminant loss. the nether spirits are suited well for the deck, as they'll regenerate themselves under the right conditions, saving you time and mana.
Swamps can also be replaced with better lands if you wish. i also have some shadow in the sideboard for those who want it; just pull out the protection from white critters if you're playing a non-white deck. most people seem to shy away from shadow nowadays, but i have found them to be of incredible use simply because they aren't expected.
Especially effective against white decks (12x protection from white critters), and the crossroads are invaluable against mill decks.