Maindeck 242
Creature 151
4 Anathemancer 1 Bant Sojourners 4 Boros Recruit 3 Carrion Thrash 3 Crag Puca 1 Deft Duelist 3 Enlisted Wurm 2 Fusion Elemental 2 Goblin Deathraiders 5 Goblin Outlander 4 Grizzled Leotau 4 Hellkite Hatchling 4 Hobgoblin Dragoon 4 Jund Hackblade 4 Kathari Bomber 4 Kathari Remnant 1 Kederekt Creeper 4 Knotvine Mystic 2 Manaforge Cinder 4 Marisi's Twinclaws 4 Mudbrawler Raiders 4 Noggle Bandit 4 Noggle Hedge-Mage 4 Nulltread Gargantuan 3 Plumeveil 4 Putrid Leech 4 Qasali Pridemage 1 Rakeclaw Gargantuan 3 Rhox Bodyguard 1 Rhox Brute 4 Rip-Clan Crasher 4 Riverfall Mimic 4 Scarland Thrinax 2 Scuzzback Marauders 4 Scuzzback Scrapper 1 Sewn-Eye Drake 1 Shambling Remains 1 Sigil Captain 4 Sprouting Thrinax 5 Steward of Valeron 4 Tattermunge Duo 4 Tattermunge Maniac 2 Tattermunge Witch 1 Valeron Outlander 4 Vithian Renegades 4 Wall of Denial 1 Waveskimmer Aven 4 Woolly Thoctar 2 Zombie OutlanderSpell 91
3 Agony Warp 1 Ardent Plea 4 Bituminous Blast 4 Captured Sunlight 4 Clout of the Dominus 4 Colossal Might 1 Countersquall 4 Crystallization 1 Demonic Dread 4 Deny Reality 8 Drain the Well 4 Esper Charm 4 Exploding Borders 4 Guttural Response 1 Hindering Light 4 Poison the Well 1 Reborn Hope 4 Sangrite Backlash 2 Sangrite Surge 1 Sigil Blessing 4 Slave of Bolas 5 Stormcaller's Boon 1 Suicidal Charge 4 Terminate 4 Torrent of Souls 4 Trace of Abundance 4 Turn to Mist 2 Vengeful RebirthCOLORED MANA SYMBOLS
Average CMC: 3.03