Breaking Odyssey: Squirrel Nest or Deranged Dad would be proud<br>
By: Gabriel Villeda<br>
With the rotation of Masque block in Standard coming up pretty soon. It`s
time to start saying goodbye to our beloved. But with sorrow leaks rays of
hope and my friends this hope is a little gem in odyssey called Squirrel
Looking over the official odyssey spoiler I would first like to say that
this set is pretty bland for constructed. While there are some good
constructed cards like Call of the Herd, Shadowmage Infiltrator and Mystic
Crusader, the set`s rares are rather weak. While I did notice that one
underlying theme was the reprinting of older cards such as Lich, Balance,
Demonic Tutor, and Paladin En-Vec, much less broken albeit. After quickly
dismissing half of the set as constructed worthy though I hit green and
found this:<br><br>
Squirrels Nest<br>
Enchant Land<br>
Enchanted Land has <T> Put a 1/1 squirrel token into play.<br>
Quickly seeing it as the new Kjedoran Outpost I looked for ways to abuse
this powerful enchantment. I toyed with the idea of it in my mind for a
while and came up with these decks.
November T2- R/G<br>
4 Blurred Mongoose<br>
4 Kavu Titan<br>
4 Raging Kavu<br>
3 Squirrels Nest<br>
4 Urza`s Rage<br>
3 Scorching Lava<br>
4 Skizzik<br>
4 Call of the herd<br>
2 Flametongue Kavu<br>
3 Diligent Farmhand<br>
2 Lay of the Land<br>
4 Shivan Oasis<br>
4 Karplusan Forest<br>
9 forest<br>
6 mountain<br><br>
Based off a IBC version of G/R I think Squirrel Nest is an excellent
addition for this deck. Not only would it lead to more card advantage
against R/G mirror match but also turns into a large problem against control
decks. It had a healthy amount of burn and the Rages help greatly is killing
One thing that is a problem though is still Spectral Lynx. Skizziks hope to
solve this problem but I doubt this will be the case since most control
decks will have a counter.
Another idea that popped into my head was an old deck Jon Finkel helped
popularize. Counter-Post. Running off the idea that infinite creatures will
win backed up with counters, removal, and card drawing. I immediately set
off to see if this would work and this is what I have so far.
November t2 Dontyoujusthatecats.dec<br>
4 Absorb<br>
1 Rout<br>
2 Exclude<br>
4 Counterspell<br>
4 Fact or Fiction<br>
2 Repulse<br>
4 Adarkar Wastes<br>
1 Forest<br>
2 Plains<br>
5 Island<br>
1 Treva`s Ruins<br>
4 Elfhame Palace<br>
4 Coastal Tower<br>
4 Yavimaya Coast<br>
4 Opt<br>
2 Rushing River<br>
4 Wrath of God<br>
4 Mystic Snake<br>
4 Squirrel Nest<br><br>
A strong build, Squirrel Nest again provides the needed chump blockers to
bring the game against R/G into the late game. It is again a threat against
counters deck while this time it can counter back.<br>
While there are no established archetypes currently I believe that a
control deck utilizing Squirrel Nest could be a force. Using efficient cards
and the insane card generating Fact or Fiction this deck has many things
going for it.
Gabriel Villeda<br>
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