i played this tonight at my local tournament with 40 entries and came in first place!! i had some really close and interesting games (one where i sided 13 cards) and had some sick cascades more than a few times. this list i came up with is very straight forward almost to the point of redundancy and i suspected this to be a really easy deck to play, but i quickly realized that redundancy is exactly what jund does best. i found myself making some pretty difficult decisions especially against ww and wargate, but against alot of other matchups i honestly was just riding the jund auto pilot engine and whatever my opponent was doing was irrelevant. i cant tell you how many game ones i won just by maindeck fallout and maelstrom pulse, i would say almost half my games. i had some insane cascades (bloodbraid into fallout putting the bitterblossom player at 4 swing and pass) and anathamancer caught alot of players off guard. i was a little underwhelmed with terminate, i think 1 can be cut for something. but at the end of the day i went 9-0
any questions, comments, ideas, suggestions are all appreciated!!