this is a control-combo deck that derives its power from interlinking card synergies. control the board initially with seals of doom and removal, then establish a powerful card advantage lifegain engine with graveborn muse, ivory tower and or words of worship. once you have a choice between cards and life each turn, cast a huge sickening dreams to eliminate the opposition.
the sideboard does a few interesting things and is surprisingly important for a chaos deck. the tests of endurance act as a surprise instant-win (which would be killed with much metagaming if you ran them main-deck). false cure is against other life-gain decks, feldon's cane in case games run long, cop: red's against burn and the disenchants as basic utility.
one final note - the many '1 ofs' are due to a personal restricted list we use as a house rule... standard t1 restricted plus cards like dark ritual, lightning bolt and swords to plowshares.