Maindeck 120
Creature 17
4 Goblin Electromancer 3 Graceful Adept 1 Kami of the Crescent Moon 2 Lunar Mystic 1 Mercurial Chemister 2 Nivix Guildmage 4 Voidmage HusherSpell 66
3 Call to Mind 2 Cancel 2 Counsel of the Soratami 2 Counterbore 2 Counterflux 2 Culling Dais 2 Dispel 2 Eye of Nowhere 2 Faerie Trickery 1 Familiar's Ruse 2 Flow of Ideas 2 Force Spike 2 Hindering Light 2 Hindering Touch 2 Ivory Crane Netsuke 2 Izzet Charm 2 Mana Cylix 4 Mana Tithe 2 Petals of Insight 4 Prophetic Prism 2 Redirect 4 Rewind 2 Spell Contortion 4 Spell Syphon 2 Spellbook 2 Syncopate 2 Urban Burgeoning 2 Venser's Journal 2 Verdant HavenCOLORED MANA SYMBOLS
Average CMC: 2.64