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Jesus Deck

by lhiwaya

Format: Legacy
Latest Set: Dark Ascension
Last Modified On: 4/2/2012
Market Median Low
$38.48 $43.92 $16.29
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 2.47


the whole reason for the name is the daybreak coronet picture actually looks like jesus. other than that its fun to say after winning a match that jesus sucked the life out of you. the first thing most people think when looking at this deck is, that cant win in a tournament. i beg to differ and know that it can. this deck is very consistent on the draw and most of the time all you need is one creature and a spirit link to stay in a game long enough to win with a huge flying doublestriker double likelinker. think about it! all the creatures in this list are essentially hard to get rid of in the environment today. enchant the creature with any one of these enchantments and you are in business. four or five mana is all that is needed to run this bad boy so the consistency should be recognizable. wrath effects are the only cards that disrupt this deck. in aggro match ups this deck is a white king. elves have to get a perfect draw to win. goblins cant kill you fast enough to make a difference before you get to forty life and start dealing 8 or more points of damage to the dome. faeries can counter the enchantments in the first few turns but it really depends on when they can bounce the creature with cryptic command. the jesus deck can effectively get the faeries player down near four or so before getting his creatures bounced or tapped and the faeries player winning their next attack phase. this is the only weakness with this deck but thanks to shadowmoor there is an answer to this. r g big mana cant keep up and anything running red should just concede the entire match up. reveillark is sometimes a problem if they get to combo off in their first six turns. now some reveillark lists actually run with riftwing cloudskate and thats a problem for this deck. however by the fifth turn (the turn that riftwing cloudskate unsuspends) this deck can have the reveillark player on his knees begging for mercy. if you have more than one or two creatures out there and one of them is soltari priest then its usually over by the fifth turn. doran cant deal with fliers and deathmark is useless against this deck for the most part. lets not forget that knight of the holy nimbus can regenerate past a deathmark and paladen en vec cant even be targetted by it. source: http: www.magicdeckvortex.com ddb jesus_deck.htm

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