land destruction via liquimetal coating and myr landshaper. win condition via shivan wumpus, argothian wurm & smash to smithereens direct damage.
liquimetal coating myr landshaper + splinter combo for super-effective, widespread & permanent basic land removal.
gorilla shaman is a beast in this deck. he is a very fast 1-drop, and then 1 mana per destroyed land. and he can destroy multiple lands per turn since his ability does not require a tap (so long as you have more than 1 liquimetal coating myr landshaper voltaic key). ancient stirrings assures that i get either a liquimetal or landshaper early game. can also help draw land if needed.
after several playtests, i was encountering problems with sustaining the land destruction due to lack of drawing artifact destroy spells, so i added in some isochron scepters to try to combat this issue. so far, so good. i am considering switching out the last 2 voltaic keys for 2 more isochron scepters, but not sure yet. the voltaic keys work to effectively clone the liquimetals and landshapers.
its not really a budget deck due to the inclusion of ancient tomb and isochron scepter. i had to add ancient tomb in an attempt to speed things up as much as possible. turn 2 land destruction is necessary to make this deck viable against faster decks. pyroclasm was also added in to counteract faster creature decks that are able to set up on turn 1 2 3 with weenies.