when you have the choice, its often right to play out honden of nights reach before any other shrines you may have drawn. it will give you the most card advantage that way, and force your opponent to play all their spells. this is especially important against control decks that can counter your next hondens.
dont be afraid to block with your spirit tokens from honden of lifes web. you will get more tokens. once you have three hondens in play youll probably even start accumulating them fast enough to switch to offense and just overrun your opponent with them!
try not to just sacrifice your etched oracle as a card drawing spell. make your opponent work for it.
it is ok to play the clearwater goblet for or . it will take four turns for that 1 extra life to offset missing the one turn, so keep this in mind when deciding when to drop the goblet into play, particularly when your opponent has you on the defensive.