Need to find more options for the sideboard.
UW Fog-Lock
The deck revolves around getting an Isochron Scepter with a Holy Day, Ethereal Haze, or Dawn Charm imprinted on it (to fog our opponent forever) and then proceeding to cast cards like Howling Mine and Kami of the Crescent Moon to draw more cards as well as find more Isochron Scepters as well as our (primary) win condition in Metalwork Colossus. If we fail to find / they remove the Metalwork Colossuses we should win as with cards like Howling Mine and Kami of the Crescent Moon as with those cards our opponent draws the extra cards first leading to them decking out first.
In game two we mostly always bring in the four Indomitable Archangel from the board, letting us protect our Isochron Scepters against targeted artifact removal. In games against storm we also bring in cards like Silence to prevent them from casting rituals + lethal grapeshot as it doesn't counter the spells but prevents them from being cast.
Still in search of more hate cards for the sideboard.