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by Blackhawk23x

Format: Modern
Latest Set: Dragons of Tarkir
Last Modified On: 6/12/2015
Market Median Low
$386.70 $266.45
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 1.97


i dont think puresteel paladin gets enough love. started it off with just white and it just felt lacking. i didnt like how much the deck relied on puresteel paladin to do anything, but i really liked the synergy between puresteel, mortarpod, and basilisk collar. i tried coming up with voltron styles or all in styles but they would just lose to all the hate for affinity people already have. while doing that i found that geist of saint traft would be a perfect carrier of tools and thoughtcast would help the deck keep deploying threats and draw into lands. this means i get to play a sweet trinket mage sideboard packagage which im always a fan of with decks with blue and artifacts in them. from there i knew i needed to be much more disruptive if i wanted to make the deck work because its modern and you just die otherwise. blacks pretty good at disruption and tidehallow sculler is an artifact so it was an easy choice to go into black which gives us access to thoughtseize and tezzeret, agent of bolas who is basically a house. path to exile and spellskite rounded out the deck with more disruption and ways to not die. i wanted some more beef in the deck to help make our wheenies hit harder and matter more. sword of war and peace has protection from lightning bolt and path while also letting us race extremely well. sword of feast and famine helps with our disruption and the mana untap is nice too for moving equipments around for defense after we attack. batterskull is a great curve topper for an artifact equipment list and it is too good to pass up. just one for now too keep the curve low, but i would add more with more lands and possibly a venser, the sojourner could make the cut cause hes awesome and can reset batterskulls or allow the goon squad to crash in. probably win more, but hey its fun so why not. last card i didnt really mention is flayer husk. hes a necessary evil. pretty lame but he blocks and draws a card with puresteel. also is good mortarpod fodder. you can turn it into a 5 5 too if you dont have a citadel lying around. for the sideboard. i used the trinket mage package like i already mentioned earlier. gives us some versatility and selection when we cast a trinket mage to pick what helps the most at the time. ethersworn cannonist can come in against snapcaster decks, elf ball, or storm ascension ad-naseum. leyline is nice for a lot of different decks so needs no introduction. disenchant is for stony silence and good against some other decks like twin or bogles. i dont have this built, but after i get some feedback i will get the cards together and play it. in that regard any advice on sideboard or mainboard cards i overlooked would be awesome. also the manabase is a rough draft i threw together. should i be playing seachrome coast over some other land like glimmervoid? not sure if fitting blinkmoth nexus in could happen with our mana base, but with glimmervoid it makes sense to run darksteel citadel which also plays nice with tezzeret, agent of bolas.

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