Maindeck 240
Creature 92
4 Battle Brawler 1 Blood-Chin Fanatic 4 Blood-Chin Rager 4 Chief of the Edge 4 Chief of the Scale 4 Expedition Envoy 3 Furyblade Vampire 4 Herald of Dromoka 1 Hero of Goma Fada 2 Incorrigible Youths 3 Indulgent Aristocrat 4 Kor Bladewhirl 4 Kor Castigator 1 Lantern Scout 4 Longtusk Cub 4 Mardu Skullhunter 1 Multiform Wonder 4 Olivia's Bloodsworn 1 Rakish Heir 4 Ravenous Bloodseeker 4 Relief Captain 4 Sage of Shaila's Claim 4 Servant of the Conduit 4 Spontaneous Artist 1 Stromkirk Occultist 2 Tajuru Warcaller 4 Thriving Grubs 4 Thriving Rhino 4 Vampire LaceratorSpell 52
4 Alchemist's Greeting 4 Allied Reinforcements 4 Attune with Aether 2 Chandra's Pyrohelix 2 Coordinated Assault 2 Distemper of the Blood 2 Fiery Impulse 2 Fiery Temper 2 Flame Slash 2 Flames of the Firebrand 4 Hideous End 2 Overrun 4 Pacifism 2 Raiders' Spoils 4 Raise the Alarm 2 Stensia Masquerade 4 Travel Preparations 4 UlcerateCOLORED MANA SYMBOLS
Average CMC: 2.4