Negative life Death's Shadow Combo capable of turn 2 kills. More regularly wins turn 3 provided Death's Shadow is in the opener.
Flex Spots:
1 Pact of Negation (Angel's Grace Shenanigans/Combo Protection)
1 Apostle's Blessing (Affinity)
2 Distortion Strike (Eldrazi, Affinity)
1 Slaughter Pact (Angel's Grace Shenanigans/Blocker Removal)
1 Plunge into Darkness (Digs)
Testing 1 Postmortem Lunge in SB
Disenchant is basically just for Chalice of the Void
1-2 Gurmag Angler
3-4 Sleight of Hand/Commune with Nature/Serum Visions
Anything that allows more filtering in the 1-2 mana range
Biggest Pros: Insane Speed, matches up well against combo, punishes slow and/or non-interactive starts
Biggest Cons: Relies solely on Death's Shadow, matches up poorly game 1 against eldrazi, burn and affinity
Sometimes you just have to cast that turn 1 blind Spoils of the Vault.