there are a few other cards you can use in the sideboard other than what i wrote but this is what works for me. its a fun deck to play with (in my opinion) and good against creature heavy decks. it has quite a bit of draw power so it is a fast moving deck it is a 66 card deck due to the fact that just about every turn you are drawing another card. well i hope someone enjoys this. :d
also, im sure this isnt an original deck but i have always loved milling cards. how i got the idea for this deck was when i was taking apart my golgari deck a few weeks back. i have always loved playing things from my graveyard and buffing my creatures up by having creatures in my graveyard. i combined that enjoyment with my favorite guild dimir along with my love of milling decks and then searched for cards that i thought would fit with that. and thus i am sharing my idea with you all. it may not be the best or even truly amazing but it is indeed fun to play. and thats what the game is all about right? :)
side note: i really find it sad that ponder, preordain, and brainstorm are banned. if you play non-competitively with friends i suggest you add those in and take out some of the single draw cards in the main deck. it gets really fun when you can scry then draw, then draw again, and scry again and draw again over and over. xd