Main deck change log: -1 supreme verdict, -1 mana leak, -1 glacial fortress. +1 vendilion clique, +1 path to exile, +1 arid mesa. main deck reasoning: arid mesa: combat decks overall softness to blood moon. vendilion clique: improve combo match up. path to exile: mana leak not as good as previously thought. with cutting down on a supreme verdict, adding the fourth path will help make up the loss. sideboard change log: -1 dispel, -1 timely reinforcements, -1 sowing salt, -1 Aven Mindcensor. +1 wear tear, +2 stony silence, +1 Swan Song. sideboard reasoning: dispel was simply changed to a swan song as its better against storm and twin, which the deck is soft to and usually the 2 2 isnt relevant. timely was removed because the deck is already very strong against aggro and needed the slot. sowing salt was removed due to the fact that tron is waning in popularity, and with mono blue tron being the more popular variant, sowing salt isnt as powerful as before. added two rule of law because the deck has a very difficult time with storm. Aven Mindcensor, while good is a fairly narrow.