eggs is a deck that you either loved or you hated. very little in the way of middle ground for this entry. however, with the banning of second sunrise, the optimal version of the deck has been effectively nerfed. some brewers, including the incomparable conley woods, have kept the idea alive by utilizing faiths reward and open the vaults. and to them i say bravo and best of luck to you.
me, im taking a slightly different route here. ever since i saw etherium sculptor, i wanted to make him a thing. mixing him with a similar suite of eggs that the previous deck type uses, i can cast my eggs with ease.
now, the idea of this entry is a more interactive way to play the eggs strategy and not having your opponent watch you play a goldfish game. is it completely dynamic and interactive? not as much as some players will like, but taking a mill strategy over the standard life loss strategy at least gives your opponent something to do beyond modify their life total or just quit the game on you entirely in a fury.
love to hear your comments and suggestions on this one. it plays very smoothly as is. some items of note:
-with all the fixing, i dont sweat blood moon
-even without the sculptor, the deck still plays well enough
-looking for a secondary sac outlet beyond grinding station for effect
-the sideboard is tooled to deal with leyline witchbane shenanigans