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Splinter a la Eradicate

by Prototaph

Format: Modern
Latest Set: Theros
Last Modified On: 1/29/2014
Market Median Low
$560.07 $599.28 $466.39
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 2.28


here we have a modern deck that took its inspiration from the old animate land + eradicate strategy. instead of that, turn your opponents basic lands into an artifact via liquimetal coating myr landshaper and splinter them all away. this will work for any permanent they have out, but targeting basic lands gives you the option to lock them down. then, to swing in for the win, use ezuris brigade to whittle your opponent down along with either nexus and village. give me your thoughts as you will. some thoughts: -since liquimetal is in abrupt decay range (and beyond regular artifact destruction), i am considering running apostles blessing and the like to protect my pieces -i have considered splashing for red which opens up the possibility for talisman of impulse, gruul signet and smelt among others -as this deck is fairly untested in the real world, only a preliminary sideboard has been created. this is mostly a suite of additional removal, but i am open to suggestions. sideboarding is my weakest aspect in deck building

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