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Zombie Vial

by RMS_sAviOr

Format: Modern
Latest Set: Magic 2014 (M14)
Last Modified On: 8/19/2013
Market Median Low
$689.52 $517.46
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 1.95


tribal vial decks have been gaining popularity so i thought id try one out with my favorite tribe: zombies. while the deck works slower than merfolk does (with lords not being able to be vialed in until t4 at the earliest), it also packs more disruption, particularly after sideboard. in addition to packing more powerful removal and disruption, while your lords dont help you race as well, their abilities make your creatures incredibly potent. both death baron and lord of the undead have powerful tribal abilities that make them forces to be reckoned with. putrid leech, lotleth troll, gravecrawler, and diregraf ghoul all help you beat down your opponent quickly. meanwhile, thalia and tidehollow sculler help you disrupt your opponents game plan. post sideboard you have kataki, gaddock teeg, and yixlid jailer depending on the match-up. the main reason why i think that this deck has a lot of potential is because it has access to liliana of the veil, the best planeswalker in modern. i would run more copies of her except that the deck sometimes has some trouble casting her 1bb mana cost. that said, there are some really nice plays involving her, such as: t1 swamp - aether vial - dryad arbor t2 swamp - lilana of the veil or t1 swamp - aether vial t2 overgrown tomb (leave abrupt decay open) + vial in gravecrawler t3 swamp - liliana of the veil + vial in tidehollow during their draw step

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