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Budget Torpor Orb

by the_setup27

Format: Modern
Latest Set: Theros
Last Modified On: 10/22/2013
Market Median Low
$111.81 $128.64 $41.57
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 2.5


budget deck - this deck revolves around using torpor orb and sundial to turn painful etb creatures into amazing ones for 2-4 mana. were talking 7-7 trample for 2 mana, 9-8 flying trample for 4 mana. torpor orb stops etb abilities from triggering, giving you amazing offense and defense against opponents with positive etb effects. sundial can remove painful etb effects while theyre on the stack. shred memory gives you a transmute ability to pick torpor orb or sundial out of your deck. plenty of ways to get your orb or sundial out turn 2 or 3 and start beating opponents into submission. swiftfoot boots give them haste and hexproof for a 1 mana equip cost. doom blade gives you some protection if you cant get your orb or sundial out fast enough. undying flyers makes opponents cry, eater of days makes you lose friends. All for under $20.

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