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Sea Gate Expedition - 5 Color Party

by MatchoBuilds

budget five color midrange party tribal wubrg
Format: Pioneer
Latest Set: Wilds of Eldraine
Last Modified On: 10/2/2023
Market Median Low
$25.02 $8.14
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 3.41


Hey there, I'm back with a Zendikar-centric MatchoBuild for Pioneer costing <€30 in total. 'Party' is súch an underrated mechanism from Zendikar Rising. It's fun, it's fair, it's thematic and it's naturally board-based and midrange. WU and WUG are the most common Party colors, but I decided to make a five color build instead that can capitalize on all of the best Party payoff cards for Pioneer. These include: 1) Zagras, Thief of Heartbeats, 2) Nimble Trapfinder, 3) Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate, 4) Squad Commander, 5) Concerted Defense, 6) Spoils of Adventure, and 7) Thwart the Grave. Basically you throw down early creatures to reduce the cost of your stronger spells and then snowball on board with a 3-4 Party while saving Concerted Defense to block board wipes. It's not an especially powerful deck, but great fun on the kitchen table and full of color and exotic effects to enjoy. The biggest challenge for this deck was building a solid and cheap mana base. I finally struck gold with the Evolving Wilds + Terramorphic Expanse setup, backed up by the eternally underrated Holdout Settlement. It's extremely reliable for a five color deck and improves your average draws to boot. Make sure to get WUG early, and then tutor into B and R as needed. A second U is useful to keep up a Concerted Defense if you have at least a 3/4 Party on board. The sideboard is mostly thematic; feel free to tool it to suit your needs. I do recommend maintaining the DFC sources for mana though, so be careful about swapping those out. Also Tazri and Coveted Prize are mistakes to include; they just don't work out. Go have fun!

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