Updated after my 3-1-1 result during FNM last week.
(list of changes)
1. Removed 1 Ephara - Sometimes difficult to have active. Card draw is not necessary sometimes, resulting in decking. (Control Match)
2. Removed 1 Kruphixs Insight - 4 seems to be too many for some matches.
3. Removed 1 Blind Obedience - Does not do enough.
4. Added 1 Karametra - Easier to have active. Secondary ability helps smooth later draws.
5. Added 1 Elspeth, Suns Champion - Additional win condition for control matches.
6. Added 1 Elixir of Immortality - Because decking yourself in a control match sucks.
Added the following items to the sideboard:
Aegis of the Gods - for Monoblack + Orzhov
Deicide - Monoblue, Monoblack, Orzhov, Enchantment mirror (if that becomes a thing).
Gainsay - Monoblue, Control
Negate - Control, Monoblack, Orzhov
Nyx-Fleece Ram - Burn, Aggro
Skylasher - monoblue, also usable in control, but not really necessary.