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Esper Control

by Beg4myskillz

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Dragon's Maze
Last Modified On: 6/30/2013
Market Median Low
$208.11 $217.22 $145.53
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 2.69


i honestly feel like esper control is at the top of its game right now. it has tons of spot removal as well as board wipes to deal with aggro or bang hex proof decks. esper control, in my opinion, has the best pulls off of a resolved sphinxs rev. by the time a rev resolves we at least have resolved it for 5 because of how much mana this deck runs. the augurs really help dig through the deck and can help ship lands to the bottom when we dont need them. having 2 snapcasters i feel is the perfect number. we dont have to have a playset because this deck honestly does not need them and we dont want to pull on early on and have nothing to use it on. with a possibility of 15 draw a card features this deck really knows how to find the cards it needs. the sideboard for this deck is hell for another control matchup. the geists are so key in a control deck. since an opposing control deck will take out their board wipes after only seeing snaps and augurs, the geist will completely catch them off guard and honestly can win the game pretty quickly. the negates are also brought in against control. the one of notion thief is a little trick i want to try out against other decks that use sphinxs rev just because i think it would be hilarious. orzhov charm and ultimate price are brought in against jund decks and against aggro decks as well. purify the grave, negates and appetite for brains are brought in against reanimate decks to get rid of rites threats. i honestly just loves how this deck flows and i almost never have to take a mulligan. like i said, i feel like ester is honestly at the top of the control decks right now.

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