i recently decided to build a turbo fog deck on mtgo since there are enough fogs now and dictate of kruphix is a fun card to play with. i decided that i wanted to include kruphix, god of horizons and fascination as my wincon. then i just do everything i can to not die until ive stockpiled a bunch of mana with kruphix to fascinate my opponent ). bow of nylea combined with learn from the past allow me to not get decked barring counterspells. i dont know if i have the correct manabase, but this seems fine. with all the draw engines i dont think we would need that many lands because once you get to three your set. im also thinking about running a second monastery seige. this deck is entirely untested as of now, but im gonna build it tonight and play on mtgo. omenspeaker, horizon chimera, and the second bow of nylea are my rdw trumps and [card]grindclock and counters are for control. stormtide leviathan is a perma fog against some decks and i thought it would be funny in post sideboard games when some removal comes out.