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MonoBlack Infect

by Bob M

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Innistrad
Last Modified On: 10/31/2011
Market Median Low
$160.06 $179.46 $83.70
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 2.39


this is another mbi list. i have been running it at the local tournaments and it typically goes 3-1. very strong against almost everything. its had the biggest problem with megablade. the best way to play this deck is to ignore what the other player is doing, play one creature at a time and keep your creature alive (apostles blessing). this deck has won on turn 4 multiple times. phyrexian crusader is a beast, but if you are playing someone that isnt white, red, or has a bunch of ground clutter, he can be hard to connect. plus he cannot be targeted by apostles blessing. 2 in the main is good, id rather have a flyer in the same slot. he definitley gets boarded in against mono white or mono red. apostles blessing turns out to be the real all star, making your lashwrithed plague stinger unblockable, and invulnerable to removal. it really is much better to keep a creature alive than to be set back a turn with summoning sickness. i feel surgical extraction in the main is important. it can quickly get rid of all of their important early game removal. it really feels good to extract ghost quarter, mana leak, go for the throat, doom blade, etc...

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