im planning to use this on a fmn, still dont have all the cards i want, though im lucky to have a playset of the hero of bladehold.
need tweeks on the sideboard... but whatever...
win condition: either by a gold myr or a sphere of suns drop a turn 3 hero of bladehold, before or after that, just drop whatever creature you have... battle cry rocks!!!)
Plan B: armored ascension. postmortem lunge is also awesome, it can give you a hasty hero of bladehold attacking for at least 7 again with only 4 mana and 2 life!!! (unfortunately just have 1...)
btw: probably have a bad matchup against mono red, probably against valakut and others that have tons of removal...
but... if your opponent dont do anything... turn 5-6 win nearly everytime...