a friend and i worked on this deck before states this year, i decided to make some main and sideboard changes which ultimately led me to a 7-2 finish landing me in 11th place at my first major tournament since i started playing a few years ago. i believe at this point in time based off of how the top decks are basically running the mindsets of most players on what they should be playing my deck runs very well against the norm. if you want to have fun playing a fast mid range deck that can survive against red deck, different forms of u w and wolf runs i would try this out, i was the only one playing this build out of the 187 people present at our states tournament in south carolina and i was told countless times that my deck was well built against the meta game. please leave me any comments and give me your thoughts on the deck because its something i really enjoyed playing and i would like to stick with it for a while and watch it evolve.