i took many ideas from brainburst articles.i think the temporal fissure-aggro build affinity dec is the best build.this dec is made to kill uw control and gobbos which is my machtup.
so i prefer to play welding jar to chromatic sphere.jars are also better agaisnt other affinity decs.the sb contains 4 disciple of the vault which is an awesome creature espaciall vs x w control decs and the mirror and 4 ovverides also vs control decs.i play 4 cop:r because it is a way better to pyrocalysm cuz gobbo decs sac some crap with their sledders to keep chiefs and piledrivers alive and mos mono black aggro decs play wail of nimn.i only play 3 shatters sb because i aslo use 4 discples vs them.