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Budget Tempered Steel

by Chaomantic

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Mirrodin Besieged
Last Modified On: 2/21/2011
Market Median Low
$56.20 $16.90
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 1.38


disclaimer: i have a very vague idea of what current standard metagame is like, which is why im posting this here hoping for advice that would perhaps help me improve this deck without spending more than a buck per piece of cardboard. remember, budget is the key here. the deck is based around a set of cards that you normally find in a quest for the holy relic deck. however, unlike said deck this one does not rely on quests and, rather than power out a single strong but vulnerable creature, concentrates on moderately boosting many creatures at once hopefully overwhelming the opponent before he can stabilize. in a nut shell it works as follows: tempered steel pumps up the artifact creatures of which therere 12. in turn the artifact creatures enable average but undercosted glint hawk and kor skyfisher and, coupled with equipment, boost metalcrafters of the deck to supposed playability. this synergy, however, leaves little room for sideboarding or tweaking as everything is interdependent and does not welcome cards that dont fulfill the basic functions relevant to the deck. meanwhile, the deck is very vulnerable to mass removal which seems to be quite plentiful these days. lack of cheap decent equipment like bonesplitter is also an issue as is the relatively low number artifact creatures. the latter could probably be mitigated by cutting 1 auriok edgewright and 1 auriok sunchaser for 2 steel overseers but the problem would likely still persist. with all that said, do you think theres a glimmer of viability here or would i just be better off running a normal quest deck?

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