The point of this deck is to open up as many options for yourself as possible while nullifying those of your apponent. Use Eradicate, Cranial Extraction, and Dimir Lobotomist to take away your apponents best cards quickly and in bulk. Use Traumatize and Glimpse the unthinkable as powerful mill cards and use Dimir Doppelganger to steal your apponents creatures that were milled into the g.yard. Then you can use Followed Footsteps to copy those creatures and beat your apponent with their own creatures. Clutch of the Undercity can search for important cards, bounce creatures, and deal direct damage and is very powerful with Twincast. Perplex is just a sick countering card and can be used to search for Dimir Doppelganger if you have trouble fining one of the two copies. Use Tutor to find either of the Dimir's or Kaho and in turn you can use Kaho to speed up your deck and find important spells. Soulless Revival helps keep your creatures on the board and if spliced is long lasting creature protection. Consult can also speed up your deck or ruin the strategy building in your apponents hand. You can pretty much throw whatever utility into your sideboard you like. Sideboard cards that take care of things that aren't covered in the deck like extra counter, COP's, or land copying incase your apponents creatures have color sensitive abilities. I would personally include one Uyo to copy your apponents spells or amplify your own. But one piece of advice: DON'T BE AFRAID TO GIVE UP ONE CARD TO SEARCH FOR ANOTHER, STRATEGY WILL MAKE THIS DECK FAST!!! Good Luck.