again, a fun deck which is t2 legal when you want a break from the same ol' tier 1 decks. as with most fun decks, it loses to control, (anything with counter magic really).
set up the mana base, play early morphs to apply beatings and hold down the fort while you ramp up.
can come out fast with a turn 3 morphed dermoplasm into a turn 4 9 9 or 13 13.
combo is having future sight and timesifter in play together.
manipulate your library to have high costed cards on top.
hold cycling lands in hand and leave fetch lands in play to shuffle library if need be.
plow under opponent to ensure lands on their library.
rush of knowledge for 5 and up to fill hand.
o-stone for emergencies.
morph creatures ensure high casting costs in deck. (alternately you could use land cyclers or affinity builds to achieve this)