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We Are the Champions2

by cold

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Time Spiral
Last Modified On: 2/7/2007
Market Median Low
$158.10 $168.57 $99.80
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 2.2


Ok, in case you can't figure out how the deck is supposed to work, basically use comp. research, thought courier, and stinkweed to dump saffi, sek'kuar, and crypt champion into the grave while you've suspended a living end. The turn before you go off, gigadrowse down their lands if you're facing control so the living end will resolve (at which pt. u win via infinite damage). Other than that, play it like a slightly controlling combo deck. It doesn't need to go off fast so long as you just control the board long enough to set up for it with inevitability on your side. Some sb explanations: 1 extra copy of each combo piece in case you come up against castigate, 3 trickbind for tormod's crypt, 2 sudden death for teferi and aggro matches, last gasp ad darkblast also for aggro, and cremate do deal with graveyard shenanigans and eliminate opposing angels of despair which you don't want to hit the table when living end resolves (as it will kill your combo)

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