this is my turbo obliterate verison used to combat the highly u w control with a strong second of g w metagame that has evolved at the local store. it lacks any akroma's vengeances main deck because affinity is strangely absence there. (a dragon and a starstorm would most likely be replaced with 2 vengeances if i were taking this to anything bigger then fnm.) scrabbling claws are missing from the board because goblin-bidding is even rarer then affinity and zombies don't even exist, so having them in for merely eternal dragon defeats the purpose, because a cycled dragon is really in my favor, i want the other player to thin their deck of lands. most of the other board i would think to be self explained, save perhaps intrepid hero which is for g w because it allows me to be able to point wraths at the head troll ascetic with less worry of needing them later on.