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UW Lock Down Control

by Diamondluke

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Scars of Mirrodin
Last Modified On: 12/19/2010
Market Median Low
$454.93 $323.45
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 3.25


sun titan ability to bring back either a wall of omens, an augury owl, everflowing chalice, journey to nowhere, or jace beleren. only use jace belerens -1 to draw cards, use mind scultors zero and +2 on either yourself or your opponent. other combo is gideon with sunblast or vensers + with either jace to draw two cards a turn, the titans to either tap or get things back, sunblast to destroy things, everflowing chalice to get mana, halamar or augury owl or even the wall for drawing ability, journey for new target, use mind sculptures -1 over and over again. side board is for black, red, and mana ramp. also for people with fetch lands. any help would be greatly apreciated.

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