the basic idea of this is to get [[guttersnipe]] out and cycle though many different instant or sorcerys using [[augur of bolas]] to help you get them in your hand.
[[nivmagus elemental]] is to help out incase you run up against a deck heavy in counters and spells to protect your opponents monsters that way the spells you play are not wasted and in doing so beef up the elemental.
the late game plan is to have [[charmbreaker devils]] out and swing away hopefully fuled by [[artful dodge]] for damage right to the teeth.
along with some control aspects this has worked out pretty well for me so far.
11 may, 2013
i ending up getting 1st place this past weekend with this losing only 1 game the whole date (and that was due to not getting a blue mana source until turn 4).
round 1: 2-1 vs boros
round 2: 2-0 vs esper heartless summoning
round 3: 2-0 vs orzhov tokens
i have nick named this deck confusion because of the odd looks i got when i pulled out [[charmbreaker devils]] and the next turn started playing mass spells followed by [[artful dodge]] and flashing it back as well and swinging for 20 unblockable. it appeared that most people only pay attention to the return a instant or sorcery at random to your hand ability and forget about the +4 +0 one that they get.