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Bant Ramp

by DoopyJenkins

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Return to Ravnica
Last Modified On: 9/30/2012
Market Median Low
$345.65 $256.46
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 4.2


bant brew for early weeks of release. i feel this is a great way to play bant in the set. since countering spells has been somewhat trashed, i feel that ramping to use hard casts of terminus and overloads on cyclonic rift will make this deck win. there is no turn one moves in this deck accept for farting when you drop your land, so you will see that in order to make up for the odd-time tempo we need to ramp. the shock lands are awesome for this since you can fetch them with farseek and rangers path. mana blooms add some flex since we wont start to kill till md to late game. jace is going to be used as early nerf against tokens or as a turbo for card advantage. this is why this deck feels so strange. in order to play it right you need to be okay with odd time. i have found through testing that you can land the needed spells no matter what the situation is. cyclonic rift is super op in this deck because we cast it for its overload almost every time. terminus can be hard cast as i said earlier, but if we and a miracle then we can change our timing again. the creatures can be played to fool our opponent or to give us whatever we may need. akromas memorial is game over and sphinxs revelation is pretty much a one sided restart in the middle of the game. with the amount of mana we can use, we gain back all the life we may have lost as well as replenish our hand to 7 cards before out next turns draw phase. for this reason, i have gone back to only using one since i want to use it in this mannor, however it can be useful to have 2 depending on how aggro unfolds post release. the sideboard needs work, but ill explain why i have what i have right now. tamiyo is awesome when the opponent drops there heavy hitter. she locks them down and ticks away to an endless hand with our huge amount of mana. game over. rest in peace is for the undying flashback zombie using buttholes. sundering growth gives us another trample wurm, centaur or my favorite geist angel token. oh, and it takes out an enchantment or artifact. zing! supreme verdict is for the super heavy aggro that zombies will have and paired with rest in peace, it plays well. i played around with 3 mana bloom and 4 terminus in the main deck and found that the numbers play well sometimes, but i can see that most of the time i only need 2 blooms and 3 terminus, so i put them in the sideboard till something better comes up on the battle front. if anyone has ideas on this brew let me know. i want to get the new found control and long lost bant a good come back.

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