im looking to refine this before testing and want some ideas on how to fine tune this deck. the strategy is pretty easy, i wanted a way to make cartel aristocrat bigger to make her more of a threat. so you drop the champion traveler early on, and the rest of the creatures are pretty standard for aristocrats. the bloodthrone vampire gives another early game sac outlet. the paladin could be good if the cartel aristocrat gets big as well as binding him to a falkenrath aristocrat for a hasty 8 damage. mikaeus was a last minute addition since i somehow overlooked him and he acts like a gavony township for a deck that doesnt have green. he can make any tokens a real threat. a full set of lingering souls are obvious. bonds of faith is my control card, but if they are playing control, i can easily find any number of creatures to put it on for the +2 +2. assemble was one of the reasons i designed this deck. once the tokens start coming, it gives tons of food to the aristocrats and vampires while also setting off the blood artists. once i side, if they are playing staticasters or curse of deaths hold, i can put intangible virtues into the main deck and balance it out.