Ok first of all this is a deck i seriousy want to take to tourneys. I have never been to a tourney but our causal group is much more agressive than most i have seen and any one of us could easily shred with 4-6 turn kills the average group my other friends play in so i feel i have experience. However our group likes exteneded a lot and tribal decks are the norm though i played a really cool combo one a while back and i am not used to control though i have played it a little. Anywasy teh main trick is to pull out a dovescape and fly for the kill. The both players part of the card can easily be changed to your advantage but my problem is gettign rid of it if things do go bad. Im thinking rakdos riteknife but mna would be a problem. To trully break the card i have sky Hussar which allows me to refill my hand. And pride of the clouds which gives me an additional bird as well as keeps my mana occupied. And Last but not least windreaver which allows me another win conditon as well as a possibility of bouncing it for more birds if need be. Anythign that would make this deckas chances of surviving to the point where teh dovescape or teh reaver are online would really help me heres the list. The sidebord allows me to change from control to aggro depending on my opponents deck adn gives me access to the kaijin in cases where i want to go aggro-control rather tahtn pure control or pure aggro. Skyscribing gives me acces to more cards (my opponent 2 sadly but i screws over rakdos). ANd condemn is the new swords to plowshares i want to add quicken for an instant wrath but i cant fidn the space. And last but not least if you see a way for this deck to maintain its awesomeness at a lower cost please tell me cause i dotn want to spend near 100 dollars for only some land. Weeee butt kicking for goodness.